Today Bailey motivated me to get outside and go for a run. It was a balmy 12 degrees here today so I couldn't resist a four mile jaunt.
So as many of you know I go to a private catholic college and without fail I seem to pass one of the Sisters every time I'm running. Today was no different. I was running on the sidewalk (which was incredibly icy) and I pass a Nun and she shouts "Oh hun, please do be careful. It's awfully icy!" Only in Central Minnesota....
After my run I decompressed from a big Sociology test I had today and decided to hit the gym. There must've been pigs flying out my window because one of my roommates asked to join me. I love her to death, but in her three years here she has not once set foot in any athletic facility. EVER. So I gave her a little circuit to do and I did mine and her quote of the night was "I have no idea why you think this is fun. Let alone how you get here twice a day." Classic Maria. She also told me she filled her gym quota for the next year with her 45 minutes tonight.
Here's Maria's first and probably last Gym Selfie.
This was my workout from tonight. You should definitely give it a try. I'm already feeling it!
I'm doing leg day today so maybe I'll throw out my usual work out and try yours. It looks like a good one!